Friday, August 19, 2011

My Favorite Blogs

Even using Google's specialized blog search function, it seems like good blogs are hard to find. Which is weird because there are a bajillion blogs out there. It seems like every major print publication, news site, and even commercial website has a blog. A lot of the blogs that are professionally put out by these websites just don't seem bloggy enough to me-- they just seem like extensions of the website itself and often fail to have that human, personal touch that in my mind is what makes blogs a special and unique medium. So if you're new to "the blogosphere", where do you find the good stuff?

I was thinking about this because although my students are of the digital generation, generation @ if you will, there is bound to be at least one student in my class that doesn't have much experience in the world of blogging. With that in mind, I present you with a list of some of my favorite blogs. Although the topics of these blogs may not fit your personal interests, they are worth perusing simply as examples of diverse, interesting and well-done blogs.
  • Already Pretty - This is probably my favorite fashion/style blog. Writer Sally McGraw emphasizes individual style and the cultivation of a positive body image. I like that she has a clear point-of-view and that her "voice" is so friendly and relatable (is that a word?). She also posts really excellent, consistent photos of her daily outfits and has a weekly feature where she publishes links to interesting articles from around the web.
  • Young House Love - I LOVE the writing style in this blog. Sherry and John Petersik are a young, hip couple from my home town who make do-it-yourself decorating seem like a fun adventure. They have impeccable style and are really funny. When you read their posts, even when they're giving you a step-by-step tutorial, it feels like they are talking to you. Their site is easy to navigate and very visually appealing.
  • Jezebel - I admit that I don't love the design of this blog, it is WAY too busy for my taste. But once you get past that the articles are HILARIOUS. They have a definite point of view and a clear audience in mind (young, stylish, ladies). It's like the lovechild of a satirical newspaper, a celebrity tabloid and a style blog. A prime example of how good content can overcome bad design.
  • thewikiman - It's not all fun and games in the blog world, some blogs are serious. The Wikiman's blog is geared towards professional librarians with a sort of techie bent. It is well designed, thoughtfully written and helps me stay up-to-date on stuff going on in the library world. It's also another example of some good branding.
  • Smart, Pretty and Awkward - Not to be too caught up in design, but this a pretty nice looking blog. Molly Ford writes very concise entries with a tip for how to be smarter, prettier and less awkward. If you're not into reading long blog entries, this is a great example of how keeping it short and sweet can be effective.
So there you have it, some of my favorite blogs. What blogs do you follow?

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